Serpentine Aircraft Builders Club (SABC) hosted there annual 'Open Day' at there airfield on Sunday 30th September 2012, together with Porsche, Rolls Royce car clubs and vintage motor cycle display.
This year's visit revealed 25x new aircraft for us, with a total number of aircraft logged for this visit being 88, (some of which are in the images below).
It was a great day out as usual, catching up also with fellow enthusiasts, David Eyre and Keith Anderson representing AAWA.
It was with dissapointing that no aircraft flew on the day, this was we understand due to a representative from Civil Aviation Safety Aurtority being present on the day.
Taylor Monoplane msn: PFA055-10553 19-8116 marked as G-BKEU
*New Resident*
Culp Special VH-ZUZ msn CS-1947
Boeing A75N1 Stearman (PT-17) VH-URC msn 75-1834
ex: USAAC 41-8275
DH-82A Tiger Moth VH-CXL msn LES8
Selby Ford's 'Silver Centenary' VH-USC msn 01
ABA Air Camper VH-XHE msn 170 *New Resident*
DH-82A Tiger Moth ZS-BYM msn DH85582
ex: SAAF 4601, Rhodesia Air Force DE628
*(New resident) and change of registration pending
Tennessee Eng and Manufacturing Himax msn 662 'Birdog'
RAA registration assigned, not yet applied
Yakovlev Yak-18T VH-FSU msn 01-31 ex: RP-C1893, RA-4440
This aircraft nearing preparation for departure to her new home, and
will have departed by end of October 2012
Nanchang CJ-6A 'unidentied' (uncompleted project)
work in progress - aircraft carries no identification plate